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BH-905i Review - A turn for Bluetooth

Published Here Too!
Two weeks ago, a box containing the BH-905i arrived at my doorstep. Not being a fan of bluetooth headsets at the time, i wasn't excited or anything. I'm not a fan of bluetooth headphones or headphones, for that matter because of one thing. Battery. I hate things running batteries because well, they run out. Also, bulkiness is an issue for a commuter like me. Here were some photos of what it looks like and what came in the package.

N97 Mini Camera Samples

The N97 Mini’s camera is quite good for everyday use even for little to no light conditions. Here are some untouched samples taken using the N97 Mini’s camera. Click on the images for a full size view.

Overclocking in Symbian Possible?

Here is small video showing a 5230 running a C6 Custom Firmware. It has been overclocked to 800MHz!

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